Appeals to proportional distributive fairness mitigate ethnocentric bias in policy evaluation

Appeals to proportional distributive fairness mitigate ethnocentric bias in policy evaluation

The literature on welfare chauvinism shows that ethnocentric bias reduces individual support for outgroup redistributive policies.  To limit bias, scholarship suggests framing policies universally or focusing on beneficiary deservingness. However, policies intended to support disadvantaged groups and ensure equity cannot always be framed in universal terms. Moreover, individuals hold minoritized groups to a deservingness double…

Gender, Ethnicity, and Intersectionality in Government Cabinets: Evidence from Asia

Gender, Ethnicity, and Intersectionality in Government Cabinets: Evidence from Asia

What explains cabinet diversity – both gender and ethnicity? In contrast to the literature that (1) focuses singularly on one minority dimension – whether it is gender or ethnicity; or (2) assumes the two dimensions operate in a zero-sum game, we consider the intersection of the two. We argue we see more minority ministers –…