The PRE Lab runs a biweekly workshop where we discuss working papers by lab members. Check out some of our exciting new papers below.

Race, Skin Tone, and Latino Identity Among Puerto Ricans in the United States
Many Latinos may not identify with the racial categories because of the racial hierarchy and the treatment and status of Latinos in the United States, while may think of themselves in different terms.

Ethnic Diversity, Gender, and Corruption: An Experimental Study in Malaysia
The literature on gender and corruption posit that women are perceived as less corrupt than men. Yet these studies are devoid of ethnicity. This is concerning as the scholarship on ethnic politics argues that diversity is associated with higher levels of corruption. The extant literature, however, tends to treat gender

Exposure to anti-LGBTQ+ Violence and the Adoption of Prosocial Political Attitudes Towards LGBTQ+ People
Does indirect exposure to anti-LGBTQ+ violence perpetrated by civilians engender prosocial political attitudes toward LGBTQ+ people among the mass public?

Protest and Community Response to Police-Involved Killing in the Age of Black Lives Matter?
Largely, community response to police killings are rare events, even in the communities in which they are common occurrences. In this paper, we explore two years of police killings to identify the conditions present when communities push back. What are the factors that lead to protest or community response following

Ethnic Favoritism in Street-level Bureaucracy?
Is there ethnic favoritism in street-level bureaucracy? And do conflict legacies facilitate ethnic favoritism? Street-level bureaucracy is the primary state institution that allows for direct interactions between ordinary citizens and agents of the state. While evidence of ethnic favoritism in distributive politics is overwhelming, existing works primarily explain the state agents’

Coercive Consent: The Practical Efficiency and Normative Efficacy of Police Discretion
Prior research demonstrates discretionary policing engenders unnecessary intrusions in the lives of civilians without a commensurate increase in public safety.